International HTW Coach

Destination for your Financial Success


Meet Your Coach Sandhya Badole

Sandhya Badole is International Health To Wealth Coach, Business Coach, Motivational Speaker and Research Analyst. Her goal is to help 1 Million people to achieve their financial success through her articles, videos, seminars, online workshops and eBooks etc.

Ultimate goal of life is happiness and financial success is definitely one part of it. We can reach to the ultimate goal of life by getting successful in three major aspects of life i.e. Health, Wealth and Relationship.

She teaches how to remove obstacles which comes in the journey of financial success. As her core is "critical analysis and critical thinking" which can be applied to any life problems to find its solution and that’s the reason, she provides counselling services for Emotional health, Physical health, Relationship, Career, finance and business.
She helps businessmen to grow their business using critical analysis and critical thinking.

Sandhya Badole is working in three segments


Women Empowerment

Women is a integral part of the society and family.If she will take part in finances and building businesses,getting financial success will be easy for the family.She conducts different seminars and webinars for women which help them to work on their emotions and lead to the success.

Financial Success

As her goal is to help 1 Million people to achieve financial success she conducts program named as "Health To Wealth Foundation program".Using this program she guide people how to remove obstacles and achieve financial success and go to the next level in case of Health, Wealth ,Relationship and career.


Business Growth

She believes business is the only way to get financially successful early and will lead to financial freedom. Entrepreneurs are the one who creates more job for people and help them to grow further.She helps businessmen to grow their business with the help of her program called as "Business Growth Foundation Program" so that more businesses will come forward and manufacture in india itself.It will lead to nations development.



With H.E. Mr. Amit Narang sir Ambassador of india .
Muscat, Oman
At Embassy Of India.


"Get in touch with her to conduct online webinars or workshops on different subjects for your Schools,College,Corporate offices and employees"

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and get all the subjects on which she delivers webinars and worksops.

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